Plans - tailored to your business needs

Suited to a tee.

pricing and packages


one hourly price


With our packaged hours plan, you have access to our services at any time. Unlike other agencies, BAXTER branded supplies you with a range of talented expertise and packaged knowledge at a fixed hourly rate.

Where else are you going to get copywriting, graphic design, web design, SEO, social media, data analysis and more under one roof at one price?

We work with you to establish a payment plan, be it monthly or otherwise, that way you don’t bust the bank.

No surprise billing there. 

use the hours when you need them most

Our packaged plans set an estimated number of hours over time. Your business may have bigger needs at different intervals and that’s okay because our hours are fluid.

If you have excess hours, we’ll use them for projects you need. If your business needs are bigger than estimated, you can always purchase more hours at the same rate. 

direct access to your creative marketing design team

BAXTER branding supplies you with a team of marketing, branding, and creative design professionals so you can address your marketing needs when you need them most.

From business collateral and graphic design to website design and support, we are here for you, even for projects that are a bit obscure. 


we make it easy

1) id your needs

We conduct an inventory of needs and work with you to craft a feasible working plan for your unique business plan.

2) tailor your plan

Then, we’ll arrange an estimated number of hours at an affordable rate.

Then we establish a payment plan that’s billed at an interval that works for you.

3) get rolling

From there, you’ll work directly with our creative professionals while they strategically produce your projects. This streamlines communication and project management so we can assure quality deliverables designed with your end goals in mind.


Let’s talk about you.

Shout at us and we’ll inventory your needs and work with you to get an action plan started today.

only need support for limited times or projects?

That’s okay, we do that too. Some businesses just need support during certain times or for particular projects because they have an in-house marketing team.

We are here to help. From digital to print, branding to packaging, our experience runs deep — just give us a shout