Beyond the Logo: Create an EBD Experience

Coffee shop with great environmental branding design in-store

Ever walk into a restaurant or shop and feel the vibe? From the music to the furnishings, and the way people talk to the smells and colors, you just connect with the place. This is environmental branding design (EBD) at work.

EBD transforms a physical space into an experiential extension of your brand. It's about using design elements – space, smell, sound, color, light, texture, flow, messages, and visuals – to create an atmosphere that resonates and engages with your customer.

EBD goes beyond just your physical space. It's a strategic approach that weaves your brand into every customer touchpoint.

Here's how environmental branding design works.

Space Design & Layout

EBD uses furniture, lighting, art, and even traffic flow to create a mood that aligns with your brand's experience.Think spa – low lighting, private pods, and plants along guided walkways.

Sensory Elements

Believe it or not, smell, sound, and color can influence behavior. EBD can use music, aromas, and even textures to evoke emotions and create a multi-sensory experience. Think sporting goods store – higher energy music, citrus smells, and bright energetic colors.

Signage & Way Finding

Signage is more than pointing customers in the right direction. It's a chance to reinforce your brand identity. Think kid's clothing store with playful animal-shaped signs. Exterior signage like billboards or pylon signage can also help set the mood.

Point-of-Purchase (PoP) Displays, Packaging, & Apparel

Effective PoP displays, strategically designed and placed, can highlight specific products, create a sense of urgency, and ultimately boost sales.

Packaging and apparel, like branded employee tees with messaging, also play their part. Designed appropriately, customers will purchase branded apparel and appreciate the packaging because it reinforces a memory of a good experience. Apple and Disney do this very well.

So does EBD matter? You betchya.

Today’s consumer wants more than product or service; they demand a memorable brand experience. Studies show that a cohesive brand experience can have a significant impact on your bottom line.

Deliver Stronger Brand Connections

A well-designed brand experience, across all touch points, builds brand loyalty and trust. A 2021 study by the International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management found that a positive in-store experience can increase customer loyalty by up to 300%.

Boosts Sales

Environmental branding, packaging, and POP displays can subconsciously influence purchasing decisions. Research from Paco Underhill, a leading authority on environmental marketing psychology, suggests that a cohesive brand experience can increase sales by up to 20%.

Increase Employee Engagement

Environmental branding is for more than customers – it can also impact your employees. A 2020 report by Leesman Index found that employees working in a space that reflects the brand report feeling 33% more creative and 15% more productive.

So this is all DIY, right?

Not so fast. While some things may come naturally, know that creating a cohesive and impactful brand experience requires design expertise. There are benefits to partnering with a EBD professional.

Brand Consistency

An EBD professional will outline your brand values, target audience, and visual identity, ensuring consistency across all brand aspects, from your physical space to your packaging. They understand how to integrate modern funky fresh with traditional sophistication.

Functionality and Aesthetics

They create a space, design packaging, and develop PoP displays that are not only visually appealing but also functional for your needs.

Apply Appropriate Trends

EBD and design trends are constantly evolving. Designers can keep your brand feeling fresh and relevant.

What’s the takeaway?

EBD is a powerful tool. It has the power to create a cohesive experience to strengthen your brand, connect to your customers on a deeper level, and ultimately drive success for a better bottom line.

P Baxter, Chief Creative

Patrick Baxter

Patrick Baxter

· creative, designer, director

· brand design and management

· artist and culture vulture

· experience strategist

A big fat education and 25+ years experience in brand, promotional campaign, Web and digital design, PJ (Patrick) is sometimes referred to as a UX unicorn and focuses on critical consumption, creative delivery, and strategy. The founder of BAXTER branded, he enjoys all things interactive while engaging in the world of fine arts and being a professor for Web Design and Interactive Media.

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