Move Over Digital – Print Is Hitting the Runway Again

Various creative print designs by Baxter Christenson inc.

HELLO, GORGEOUS! Look at you in my mailbox with your soft leathery paper and raised spot varnish that’s just so nice to touch. And what a fantastic design. Your color depth combined with your proportion and balance definitely has my attention. I must say, you wear all of it very well and you make me smile. Talk to me! 

Have I been kidnapped by Rod Serling? I’m in love with snail mail again. 

Gone are the days when we were excited to discover surprises in our mailbox–or so I thought. For the last decade or so, the mailbox was crammed full of poorly designed voices screaming for attention. Most of it was printed on trash paper that we used to line the cat box. So, we turned to our email for conversation and personal exchanges. Well, that took an unsuspected 180. 

This isn't email marketing; this is an onslaught.

Here are the days of the overstuffed email inbox.

Just yesterday, I received eight, yes that’s 8, emails from Restoration Hardware. Now, I do like some of their products and keep an eye on their design trends however that made an impact on me. I now see brands that email me multiple times a day, or a week, as just…thirsty. I’m off to unsubscribe land. 

DELETE, DELETE, DELETE! The email inbox has become a source of drudgery. A black hole of shouting vendors in a busy Moroccan market and over zealous furniture salespersons tapping on your shoulder every three seconds. I now hit delete faster than I could chuck junk mail into the bin because this isn’t marketing; this is an onslaught. If it wasn’t a necessity, I’d probably stop using it altogether. It really doesn’t have to be this way. 


Email marketing can be very impressive if it’s crafted with intention, is at a reasonable frequency, and makes an impact. Complementing your strategy with a nicely designed, thoughtful, print piece is a nice way to extend your brand. The key words here are nicely designed and thoughtful. Even a simple thank you postcard is an appreciated, and most of all, memorable gesture. 

Of course, the message is important. Is it personable or are you showing me a home you sold that I can’t purchase? We get it, you’re a realtor and you sell real estate so why are you showing us something that’s not on the shelf? Like I said earlier, talk to me

Done right, print usually has a longer shelf life and tends to pass along often over a long period of time. It gives you a moment, alone, and harnesses your full attention sans distraction. No thirsty pop ups or redirects here. 

Creative print design by Baxter Christenson inc.

In case you’ve not noticed, print has come a long way. The textures, varnishes, treatments and color depth for print today are astounding. With so many options, you can really make a sensory impression. 

So next time you are at your mailbox, have a good look. You might just rub your fingers across the soft sinewy texture of hemp paper. The pleasure principle will take effect like a cool dip on a hot Floridian night with a good drink and the right tunes. 

Thank you, print, my old friend. You make me feel just right.

– Patrick Baxter, Chief Creative


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