The New(er) You

Person reflecting as a robot in a mirror

At 3:15 am I bolted straight out of bed, terrified, with one nagging question circling through my mind:

What Is the New Me?

Since the pandemic, we’ve all had time at home to reflect and find a new balance. So what to do? Hit the gym...again? It only lasts till Fat Tuesday. 

During my time at home I cooked almost everything in the house, learned to bake, rearranged the furniture (twice), organized the closets, recycled old clothes, organized the garage...and finished Netflix. 

Like everyone else, I moved all my communications, shopping, and business transactions online for the most part. Unlike the days when I met friends and clients at the local coffee shop, pub, or event or strolling through an art gallery, the online space became my best friend. Wow, there is so much to discover!

I’ve learned volumes while blazing down the information rabbit hole chocked full of remedies, recipes, and reviews. The newest tech, trends, and tell-alls are only a keystroke away...and so are the creepy ads and pushy chat bots. 

You know, those creepy ads that follow you wherever you go much like the annoying sales associate who won’t let you shop in peace. These nuisances pop up right in your face yelling, “Here I am. I’m here. Here!” or they lurk in every corner of the Web ready to pounce. Granted, it’s nice to have someone nearby to answer questions, however it’s downright disturbing when others breathe down the back of your neck. 

Now I’m in the branding, creative design, and marketing business so I understand nudging consumers. I get it. What I do not get is the relentless push with the same empty jargon and lack of originality. “We’re the best pizza,” they say, but according to whom and why?

“We strive for excellence.” Well, I should hope so.

My favorite has to be, “We make your dreams come true.” Uh-huh. So, as soon as I buy your Fidget Spinner I’ll be young, thin, pretty, filthy rich, immortal, and living in Monaco? Got it.

Drudgery. Ordinary pedestrian drudgery. 

Like you, I can seriously do without the three emails a day from the same business. The ruthless text messages and the cursed phone calls about my auto warranty must cease. We all know it’s a scam and the businesses that hound me appear just the same.

Stop pecking on my shoulder. 

Of course, it’s good to know you are there and thanks for the tips; they’re appreciated. What about a better approach? How about getting my attention by presenting yourself with a good impression? How about being you and letting your originality shine? How about bringing sustenance to the table instead of empty jargon?

I'm an original just like you and I'm going to let my originality shine.


There is no new me. I’m colorful. I’m creative. I don’t follow grocery aisles in any particular order, which must be heinous for customer tracking. I don’t like pushy or empty and I sure am no fan of cookie cutter crap. 

I’m full of quirks, likes, dislikes, and unusual tastes just like everyone else. I’m an original just like you. So this year, and every year to follow, I’m going to let my originality shine. It’s what connects me to others and most importantly, it’s what makes 

- PJ Baxter, Chief Creative


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