studio stories
Articles, insights, and workings with contemporary culture as it relates to design and branding across many mediums and industries.
Seven Key Features for Homepage Success
Besides all the regular odds and ends such as usable, well-defined navigation, header, footer, and the likes, there are a few key features you need to consider for your digital front door.
Design Trends for 2024
This year is all about personality and personalization. We’re jumping out of the mundane and designing to engage interest, activate emotion, and ignite the senses. There’s no more time for humdrum. Instead we’re ready for relatable, meaningful, engaged experience that’s right for us..
Choosing a Website Platform Best for You
When it comes to housing your website, there are an overwhelming number of options to consider. Security, hosting, e-commerce, SEO, speed, function, responsiveness, green computing, and support are only a few you need to weigh.
Need to Know Basics of SEO
SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is the process of fine tuning your website so you can rank higher in the search engines and better drive organic traffic to your website or digital content.
Surviving and Thriving During a Recession
Businesses must support their brands and marketing efforts – especially during a recession because your company’s success depends on it.
Design Trends for 2023
Design trends for 2023 for brands, websites, and graphics include color, futurism, minimalistic packaging, neumorphism, solid ux, typography, pagination, and branding visuals.
Good Website Design Prevents Money Loss
Your website is most important right now because it is your storefront. Here’s a quick checklist so you can inventory your website and avoid costly mistakes.
Busting the Myth of the 1 Hour Website
Big web companies today are selling you a pipe dream. They tell you that you can create a website in only one hour. So why do you need professional web design help? Let’s bust this myth wide open.
Is It Time to Redesign?
Websites, like printed materials, need to be refreshed from time to time because they need to stay relevant to business goals, customer culture shifts, and technology.
HACKED! 6 Ways to Help Protect Your Website
General security tips to help you decrease hacking risks to your website and your accounts.